Xploring Vacation Care
Video Details
Xploring Vacation Care
Join Tash from the Xplor Education training team as she walks you through how you can use Office & Playground together to make your Vacation Care period a breeze.
Xploring Vacation Care Video Transcript
Natasha: Hi everyone and welcome to today’s webinar. My name is Tash, and I work as part of the training team here at Xplor Education and today I will be taking you through Xploring Vacation Care 2024.
Before we start on any content, I would first like to show my respect and acknowledge the Quandamooka people as the traditional custodians of the lands, winds and waters from where I gathered today. I extend my acknowledgement to the Traditional Custodians throughout Australia, celebrating their diversity, culture and ongoing connections to lands, winds and waters throughout Australia, including where you gather from today. I pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging, extending that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples joining us today.
As always, for every webinar, we really love if you want to engage with us, if you have additional questions, and particularly for this topic, we definitely are looking at a huge Q&A element at the end to make sure you are set up successfully for your vacation care this December/January period. So, if you do have any questions on your Teams toolbar, please press the Q&A box and be popping your questions in there. I will answer them at the very end of today’s session, but we can walk through any examples live and just make sure that you’re feeling really comfortable and confident with any processes in either of our systems. Excellent.
Today’s agenda. We will be going into Office. We’re going to talk about your room closures as a feature and how to utilise that over this closure period and vacation care period. We’re going to be talking about how to best set up your Master Roll ahead of vacation care, how to communicate with your families from an admin perspective, so looking at Comm Centre. We’re also then going to dive into Playground and look at how to set up your vacation care program and other documentation and share that with your families. So, if you are looking at booking rules, if you’re looking at how this looks on the Home app for families to be able to book in casual days, we did already run that session about 2 weeks ago and you absolutely will be able to jump onto our Vimeo showcase and review that content. Today we’re just wanting to extend on that a little bit more and talk about the topics I’ve highlighted here.
So, without further ado, let’s jump into our Office system. And first thing that we want to take a look at is room closures. So, when we’re talking about the feature being room closures, we’re talking about navigating into settings, room settings. Oh, I apologise. I’m not sure why it has locked me out. Give me one second to get back in. Okay, so again, settings, room settings, and then up the top, by default, you’re logged into room list. For this feature, we’re going across to closures list. In your closures list, you will see an itemised list of any closures that you’ve had expired, active, or upcoming, so anything you’ve placed in the system. Now, room closures can also be utilised at a provider level, or just at a service level at your discretion. If you are utilising these very full provider, just make sure in the drop down you’ve selected all services in order to action this. Otherwise, if we’re signed into a particular Centre, then we’re putting closures in for that service. To add a new closure in, we’re just going to press on “add” down the bottom right. Pop your closure name. Pop the category in. Now, you create your categories, so you will already have a menu item to choose from in here, or you could create a new category in the system. if you were closing over a set period of time, you might call it service closure. If you were just closing for the public holidays, and you were just wanting to put those days in as room closures days, then you might just be selecting public holidays in the system. What your close, what your closure name is, is at your discretion. So, it might be Christmas Day closure, Boxing Day closure, New Year’s Day closure. So, you might actually align it with the national name, naming convention. Or you could name it, December, January 2024 service closure, if you’re closing for an extended period of time. So, really up to you. Once you’ve inputted both of those categories, you want to put in your closure date or date range. So, if it’s for an individual day, then you’re just going to select that particular day in the system. If it’s for a date range, then you’re going to put your start date and end date, and you want all days that should be included encompassing that date range that you select. Once you’ve inputted those into the system, you’ll hit on “create”. Now I’m not going to create those because you can see in the background here that I already have some in the system. But for you, you’ll create it and it stamps into your system.
Where you’ll need to go from here, now that we’ve created the closure itself, is we need to add the rooms or the services that will be applicable to this closure. So, by pressing on the closure here, in the scroll down, we’ll be able to add, and then you can also edit this, so you’ll be able to remove any rooms right up until this closure starts. So, pressing on “add” again, depending on how you’re logged in, you’ll be able to segment your view via room type. The room type aligns with your room settings. So, when you set up a room, we ask you what the room type is, and here are your options. It’s not your naming convention of any room, it’s the room type that you’ve selected. So, you can segment, or filter based on room type. You can also segment or filter based on room status. And then you can also segment and view based on checked or unchecked. So, if we have added a series of rooms already to this room closure and we’re wanting to add more, you can actually just filter your view to the unchecked item. So, it removes all of the rooms that you’ve already added. And we’re just looking at the ones we haven’t added. So, then we can determine which ones need to be included. Once you’ve put your filtering options in the top here, you’ll be able to go through and select all that are applicable that you want to add in here. Once ready, you’re going to press on “save selected” and that’s going to save those rooms in the system. So, you’re going to see them listed. You’re going to see the service name, the room name, and then the room type. It’ll give you the age ranges for that room as well, based on how you’ve set it up, and then the room status, whether it’s active or inactive in your system. Once completed, that is affixed to your screen, so you can just close out of here. The only reason that you will need to select update is pre this closure running. You can come in and update your closure name, your category type, or the date range. So, if you’ve got the date range wrong, you can come in here and update that. Once you’ve updated, it will look like so. So, sorry. You can either clear the changes or you can press “update” and that will affix those changes into your system. So, when you go out, all of those new changes will be listed to that closure. Now, for anything that is upcoming, it will say upcoming under the closure status, and it will have a purple background. So, really easy to distinguish anything that is expired means that it has run historically. So, it’s already run. It’s already finished. That closure is done. You will have that orange background, and it will say expired. Anything that’s active, which means that it is currently running, will have a green background. It will say active. You can see the date range in here and who that’s applicable to. So, a really, really great way to identify which closures are upcoming, which ones have expired. You can come up here to filtering as well and you can filter your views. So, if you do have quite a few room closures in there and you’re not wanting to see all of those itemised, you can filter by a status. You can filter by a room type, service, date range or closure category and that will change up your view so you’re just viewing what’s applicable to you in that moment.
Now if you have made a mistake as well you will be able to toggle any of these closures and you can press on “delete” in here and it will remove it. So, you’ve got a lot of autonomy in here, but this is a great way to identify when you are closed. It mitigates your families being able to request today on those particular dates. It also mitigates your administrators being able to book any children in on Master Roll for those dates. So, in Master Roll, for example, on the 25th of December, any children who currently have a booking, will remain in the system. But any future children, now that I’ve created that room closure, will not be able to be booked in either by administrators using Master Roll or by families using the Home app. So, it’s a great way to make sure that your roles essentially are closed when you’re closed. Easy. So, that is our room closures. This is really important, to be tracking when your rooms are closed, when you’re not opened. It gives a clear indicator to your families on the Home app as well that the room’s closed, the service isn’t operating on that day.
Now, let’s move into Master Roll. So, when we’re talking about vacation care, we’re talking about children, booking in over the holiday period that would be outside of their regular reoccurring bookings, which would be before and after school care during term time. If you do want to utilise room closures to actually close your vacation care room during term time and your before and after school care rooms during vacation care time, you absolutely can. What that will mean intuitively in your Master Roll system when you’re creating reoccurring bookings for children, if they are trying to book before and after school care for the full year, but you have before and after school care closed over your holiday periods, no bookings will be placed on Master Roll over those holiday periods for the children. So, it’s a really great way to keep on top of your Master Roll. But if you don’t want to be doing that, you can quite easily come in and delete your before and after school care bookings, from vacation care period. Coming into Master Roll here, selecting the week vacation care starts. So, from here, we’re going to select all children. Come up to “delete”. Now we want to put our deletion date range. The reason why we’ve navigated to that date range on Master Roll is we want to include all children. So, if a child doesn’t become active until December 9th, they’re not going to be on Master Roll until December 9th. So, if we don’t select that week, we’re going to miss that child and potentially miss deleting their bookings. But in here, we’re going to put our date range. So, from Monday the 9th, and I’m deleting right through until January 19th, because that will be my vacation care period. And I also want to include Monday through Friday, so all inclusive. I’m deleting all of those sessions. Once ready, I’ll hit on “preview”, bulk select all sessions. The screen gives you all of the sessions itemised in here just in case there’s one that you do want to be keeping. If you selected the wrong date range or there is a particular child that does as a one off need to keep that session but everyone else needs to delete it, you’ve got the ability to deselect in this screen. Otherwise selecting all in bulk, delete bookings, and that is going to delete all of the bookings in the system from that date range. So, we can see now our Master Roll is blank. Now this is a great way if you have your families’ requesting bookings through the Home app, or if you have your instant casual or reoccurring bookings toggled on in the Home app, they’ll be able to go through and make those bookings now. They won’t see any conflicts because you’ve removed all those other sessions. So, they have a blank canvas, they can go in and select the dates that they would like their child to be booked in for. Again, if you have used room closures, it restricts them from being able to book on days that the service is closed. So, for example, if you’re closed Wednesday the 25th, Thursday the 26th, being the public holidays, January 1st, you’ll put them in as a closure, families won’t be able to make those bookings. So, really easy to get your roles And families be able to book in what’s relevant to them and take autonomy over the bookings that they require for vacation care, if that’s your process.
Excellent. As always, everything that you do in Master Roll does feed into the audit log. So, coming into your settings in here, under audit log, our most recent action item is here. It’s, red, which means it’s a deleted status. If I press on the three dots here, it gives me all of those sessions that I deleted, the date and time stamp, and the child that it relates to. It also lets me know who actioned that. So, it was myself. I deleted 162 bookings on the 28th of November at 12 :13pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, Daylight Savings Time, sorry. A really great way to get your Master Roll ready for families.
How are you communicating with your families around service closures, around your holiday or vacation care program? Are you letting families know that days are ready for them to book in for vacation care? How does that all go through? Essentially, you might be doing that through Comms Centre. By pressing on Comms Centre in the system, New, and then Post. Within this screen, you can actually title this Dec/Jan Vacation Care 2024. You can add all of your families in here. Again, in your Comms Centre, you’re able to filter via parent type. You can also filter via children. So, completely up to you how you’re filtering. You might want to just include everyone in this communication, add selected. And then in the body here, this is where you’re going to input what it is that you want to share. So, you might be letting the families know that you have a closure on the Wednesday and Thursday, the 25th and 26th of December and also, Wednesday, the 1st of January, you’ll be closed as well. You might be letting families know that your vacation care program is ready. So, you might actually attach your vacation care program in here and then give them instructions on how to make bookings for days that they would like. Anything that you would like to share with them, fill it out in here. You can add a cover photo. You can send this to their email also. You can leave commenting public. They do receive this in their Home app, so if you leave it as public, it’s like a news feed so families can come through like a social media post and they can comment in there. So, might be giving you praise on the amazing program that you’ve created. If it’s things like just alerting them to public holiday closures, you might just disable it. If they’ve got any questions, they might just come directly to you. Alternately, if you send this to email as well and, they review this through email, they can actually reply to the email and that will come back to your service email that’s listed under your service settings. So, they can instantly reply to you as well. Once ready, you’ll publish this out to families that will go out to them. They can review the information. You’ll have a read log on here. So, anyone who has opened this up on the Home app, you’ll be able to come in here. You’ll be able to see who opened it up with the date and time stamp on there. So, really great way to see who’s engaging with what you’re sharing out as well. Because this is done through Comm Centre, it goes through to their Home app, so again, that’s that one true source of knowledge for them being Home app, because that’s where they’re going to see their bookings. That’s where they’re going in to see their finance. They’re seeing communications from you if you’re integrated with Playground. They’re also going in there to see all of that learning documentation that you’re sharing out around their child. So, a really, really great way to be sharing insights with your families this vacation care period and making sure that you’re overly communicative with them, but also setting your team up for success by having room closures, by opening up their Master Roll so that families can book in and have accuracy around their current existing bookings.
The final item that you might want to consider in your Office platform before we jump over into Playground is payments. If you are integrated with Xplor Pay, so you have regular scheduled payments. If you are closing for any duration of time, over vacation care and you won’t be looking at the payments, you can pause these, particularly in that two-week realm where you’ve got quite a few public holidays. You can pause for an individual family, or you can pause for the centre. Settings, service settings, and then you’ve got your, payment integrations. If you come to the bottom here, it’s under pause payments. This will pause for the whole service, so you might just want to pause for one week. Alternately, you might want payments to go through, and in that case, if you need to pause for an individual family, profiles, parents and guardians, pop into status, select the parent, schedule payments, and then, down here under pause payments, you can pause for that individual. Easy. So, from an administrative standpoint, really, really easy to make sure that your system is all set up this vacation care period. Again, if you’re looking for a bit more detail on bookings from a family perspective or setting up your booking rules at all to enable families to instantly book sessions, we ran that session about two weeks ago. So, definitely jump over and take a look at that one through our Vimeo showcase. Perfect.
For now, let’s jump over into Playground. So, when we’re talking about Playground and your educators and being able to communicate with families around what’s going on this vacation care period, you might use Tables to display your program, your menu, and share that with your families. What will this look like? You’ll press on new table, and you might already have a layout design in there, so going into the layout, you’ll be able to select and then input the relevant information. I have created one already, so I’ll press on that. So, this is what my table looks like. What I’ve done is I’ve given it a title. So, vacation care program and menu. This is for our December school holidays. And I’ve popped in our logo. I’ve tagged all of my children in there as well. So, coming across to children, you can tag them in the system in bulk, or individuals click, drag and drop them. How I’ve set up this program is I’ve listed the days. So, I’ve got Monday through Friday and I’m running this as a weekly program, but you could create this to look however you’d like. It could be a monthly program. It’s up to you. I just wanted to add a lot of detail in here, so weekly worked for me. I’ve put the date range in there. So, what’s the date? What’s the activity title? I’ve given the details on that activity as well. So, here’s a scope of what we expect to be doing based on the activity that we have for this. Because this is vacation care, I’ve also put costing in there. I’ve thought about how I want to utilise this vacation care program. And although I’d love it to be my live program, I also want to share it as like our projected program with the families so they can pick what days they want to book in based on that. They want their child to be part of the science day extravaganza, or they want to come in for ready, steady cook. So, I’ve popped the full session fee in there for them to see. I’ve also uploaded documentation in here, being the risk assessment and permission forms, if applicable. Now, for families, they will be able to open up the risk assessment and review. They will be able to open and download the permission forms as well, but they will need to provide those back to you outside of the Playground system, so they can’t return it to you on Playground. But a really great way to have everything all in one place. and for families to be able to come through and review it, both current but historic as well. So, they can go back and review this at any time. I’ve also included my menu item on there, assuming that this vacation care program facilitates food. if they don’t and instead children bring their lunchbox, then you don’t have to have this menu element on there. But I just wanted to show you a holistic overview of what this program and menu listing could look like. So, for this menu, I’ve placed in a photo, I’ve put the ingredients, and you’ve also got the name of the item in there. I’ve segmented based on time of day, or meal type, sorry. So, we’ve got our breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and then late snack in the system as well. So, what this does is it provides families with a holistic overview of everything that their child will have provided on these particular days, and it gives them all the information that they require when determining whether they want to book their child in for this session or not. Excellent. So, this is one of the ways that you could be utilising Playground to be sharing valuable insights and information out with your families this vacation care period.
You might also be using Playground for internal documentation. Over the vacation care period, no doubt you’ll be conducting a lockdown drill and an evacuation drill. So, during that period, you’ll be going into your Playground app, and you might be utilising our emergency lists feature. Once you’ve conducted the drill through emergency lists, you can actually come into the system, into your reports, and download that report into CSV format. And from there, you might actually be creating an emergency drill critical reflection template for your team. So, they can attach that, evacuation journal report in the system. And they can attach it up here as a reference piece. They can act, they can pop in the date range in which they conducted this drill. And they could actually attach any learning outcomes based on the frameworks you have in the system. From here, you might have actually put some responses that they are required to go through in action. So, who were the contributors? Who ran this drill? They can tag educators in this by saying “@” and then tag in the educator name. And they can tag several educators. And then you might have the questions posed to them in the system, and they can go through and write a response. If they have any follow up or action items based on the responses that they’ve left, based on how the drill was conducted and ran, they can write those in here, and they can actually put a time or deadline on there. Now, although there is no method in, Playground to be advised when some when an action item is due, this is a great reflection piece and a full cycle of learning for them based on that they’ve run the drill. They’ve run this reflection. They’ve put follow up or action items in the system. They can actually come back into this, record those action items as they’ve been. Followed up and provide evidence of those as well, whether they’ve taken photos, whether they’ve written something up that they, that they’ve documented it on, they can upload those in here.
When we’re talking about A&R, this is going to work amazing for A&R because you have everything all in one system. You can show the progression, you can show the report, you can show everything in here. But for your team, this is a really great way for them to be reflecting on how their initial drill went, how the next one went. Have we made the improvements? Have we actioned everything that we were supposed to? Are we getting better at this or what do we need to work on? So, really great to be setting something like this up for your team as well. And again, you don’t have to share that with families. If you don’t tag children in that document, but you publish it, it’s an internal reference piece only, so just for yourselves, if you would like to share it with families, however, you absolutely can just keep in mind. The confidentiality around children’s names. So, if you do tag that report in the system and tag families in it, they will be able to see the report. So, it’s going to show them everyone that attended for the day. So, maybe leave the report off if you’re wanting to share with families. Excellent.
Other things that you might want to be looking at in terms of documentation pieces for vacation care is an indoor and outdoor learning, environment safety checklist. Now, you could create these in your system, and you might already have them in place. in your system that you’re utilising during term time. But there might be particular things that are really relevant just to vacation care, particularly because children are in your care during the middle of the day, it’s quite hot, so you might want to be adding things like temperature checks into your registry list. And that’s why you might call it vacation care register. So, you can use Tables to create something similar to this as well. Your list can be for a week. How this would be actioned with the team is they could use this to tick off what they’ve completed. If there’s any action items, they can put them in here, whether they’re immediate or whether they need follow up. You can also have your educators, sign down the bottom digitally. So, if I was the Monday educator, I could go through, tag myself as the person who has completed this. I would be able to publish this for my team. My Tuesday team can come through, my Wednesday team can come through and do the same. But in the comments here, completed Monday list. Post. And now I’ve got my username, and I’ve got a time and date stamp on there as well. So, although I’ve tagged myself in here, anyone can tag anyone, but because I’ve written in here, I’m actually logged in under my user credentials. So, I’ve authorised that, yes, I have done this Monday checklist. So, a really great way to digitise these and customise based on what’s required for vacation care, because it is really different from before and after school care programs. Excellent. So, we’ve gone through your vacation care program and menu. We’ve gone through your safety checklist. We’ve talked about when you’re running or conducting any of your emergency drills how you might critically reflect. If you have all of these set up in your system already as a template, it makes it very, very easy for your team to come through and just open the template, answer the questions based on what they need to be checking, what they need to be reflecting on, and then digitally sign it and close it rather than having to create anything from scratch. So, they would be a few things to consider when you’re looking at documenting for vacation care.
You do also have your Posts and Documents that your educators might want to be utilising. Documents might be like your daily learning write ups. So, you might be coming in here and writing your daily learning journal or whatever you call it. Your team will come through and they’ll be able to create it. Again, if you’ve created a template in the system, it makes it really easy for them to come through, select from the template you’ve, created for them. Let me just find… let’s do this one. and then they can just answer the questions that you’ve posed in there. If you put some spacing for them to answer things, they can go through and answer if they want to add, photos or videos or any kind of media content. That’s all over here. They can do that as well. So, again, success metric in Playground is making sure that you’ve got some templates ready to go and no one’s having to create anything from scratch. Your Posts could be used for learning documentation as well, or your team might actually use Posts as more of like a news feed, and you’re sharing things out to families in a really ad hoc manner. Posts could be used to share out to families. Don’t forget we have our excursion tomorrow. You need closed in shoes. Here’s the risk assessment if you want to review it. Be dropped off by 8. 30 for a 9 a.m. departure or whatever it is that they might want to be sharing on there. They could also just be uploading if they’re at an excursion through Posts just some photos. So, it might be like a nice photo gallery to be updating your families on what’s going on while they’re in the excursion. So, coming in here, popping in a title, through attachments, they can add the photos or take live photos. They just need to tag a room and then they can send that out to their families as well. So, a great way for your team to be overly communicative with families during this vacation care period. But again, completely at your discretion, how you’re using the feature being Posts or Documents, Tables, Canvas. Easy.
And the final thing that we’ll take a look at before I’ll switch over to any questions that you might have is your Playground app. Now your team might be quite familiar with this, but again, they might only be utilising this for before school care and after school care. It’s really different when it’s vacation care and you have the children for the full day. They will see their active rooms. So, for vacation care, it’ll have a green background and before and after school care will be closed, so they’ll have grey backgrounds. They’ll be able to go into their vacation care room and see a full list of any children they’re expecting for today. So, in here it will have a segmented view being children who are booked in, so that’s who we’re expecting for the day, children who are signed in, and children who are signed out, meaning that they’ve been picked up or collected for the day. They’ll be able to go through and tag health events in here. So, if they do need to tag any toileting or sleep, they can do that. Otherwise, the big ones for vacation care are tagging that children have sunscreen applied. And they might also want to be tagging nutrition if you supply a menu and you’re feeding the children. If they bring their own lunch boxes, you might not actually be utilising this feature.
Some other things that you might be using in here are your incident records, if you are or have adopted those at your service. They’ll be conducting those as well. it’s not a new feature, you’re probably utilising those for before and after school care, but really key to highlight that they can utilise those in this system as well. Some things that might be really important for educators to note, they can press on any health event or any child’s photo and come into their timeline, but they can particularly come across to the health tab. And if you are integrated with Office, then in your Office system, you can actually put some special consideration notes in the system for educators to review. So, it might be little things like reminders on, medication. Because the child usually only attends before and after school care, they might be having medication at school. Something like Ritalin or something like ongoing, Zyrtec or anything like that. So, it might be really key to highlight those in here. You might also want to be in Office updating the medical, listings for children to also highlight that they have regular medication that needs to be provided to them. A really great thing to also consider might be a couple of weeks out from vacation care, particularly for the December/January where you’ve got children from six to seven weeks in total, sending out your re enrolment form. Just making sure that families are completing that enrolment form, with the most accurate and up to date information because things might have changed or they might not be telling you things, particularly because they don’t relate to before and after school care, but they do relate if you’re having the child for the whole day. So, some other things to also consider. Sending out the re enrolment form that will intuitively update your Office platform and update your Playground platform, so your educators are able to see an updated list of allergies or reoccurring medications or medical considerations for children. Easy.
Another key thing to be pointing out is they always have access to the contacts tab. So, parents, guardians and emergency contacts will all be listed in here. It is really important to be encouraging educators to always be coming back into this field and referencing the information to make sure that nothing has changed. The reason for that is your parents, your primary carers have the ability to update and change the permissions for emergency contacts through their Home app. The only authorisation they don’t have is they can’t change the collection authorisation. So, if they want to add an emergency contact as a collector, if they already are in the system and weren’t initially toggled on, they with that authorisation, they need to phone through to yourselves at the service in order to get that added to the account. It works the same if they want to remove someone from collection authorisation. So, they need to phone yourself at the service in order for you to action that, but they have the ability to change any other authorisations. So, that’s the emergency contact status, medical, transport, et cetera. So, making sure that your educators are always coming into this field to make sure nothing has been changed or updated is really vital.
They also can come into the timeline section and your families on Home app can actually be logging things like when they last gave their child medication. So, for example, if a child does have Ritalin twice a day, if they’re on short acting, they could actually log when the child had Ritalin that morning and your educators can come in here, see that log from the parent or guardian and then determine when they need to provide the medication to the child during the day. That would only be in the rare occurrence where it varies. Usually, you’ll have a set time where they will regularly have the medication at that time every day. So, a great way to be overly communicative and collaborative with your families as well, if they’re utilising the Home app to log things and you’re using the Playground app to log things, then it means that everyone’s on the same page, they’re getting the same information and you all have access to it.
Excellent. That concludes all of the features that we wanted to go through during today’s webinar session. So, I will hand it over to yourselves. If you have any questions, pop them in that Q&A box. And then I will be able to answer them live for you now. I can see that we have two in there, which is excellent. Thank you so much.
Okay, so my only query was around capacity limits and bookings. Previously, there was an issue where the system was allowing bookings to be entered by families through the app over the set capacity limits. It appears to have been fixed now. And once sessions hit capacity, the booking shut off with the dates crossed out and there is no ability to request a space for bookings or go on a wait list. Is there an update on this? I’ve logged a few reports. The short answer is no, there’s no update on this. So, it’s not a feature deficiency. The way that we actually created the Essentials package was that families would not be able to request a space any further and instead they were using that instant capacity. So, instant, casual or instant reoccurring bookings in terms of the, if that will be a feature that the product team will look to create, I don’t have an answer to that. I do know that it has been requested. It is conversations that they’re having. So, what that looks like for 2025, if it’s part of their roadmap, then they will definitely be letting us know and letting you as a customer know that it’s on the roadmap come January. But I can’t answer that. There definitely was a bug earlier in the year when this was first launched, however, where, for whatever reason, for a selected few customers, people were able to book over the capacity. That has definitely been fixed. So, just reiterating that that’s not an issue anymore, but that request a space, if you are using the Essentials package with instant, casual or reoccurring bookings, the request to space isn’t, isn’t a feature that was built into that one. The reason for that is we want to give families the autonomy to manage their bookings, and we don’t want them to be reliant on the fact that they’ve requested a space and think that therefore they will get it. If there is a space, they can instantly book into it if there isn’t one currently. They’ll need to lodge a request through yourselves at the service. A great feature for yourselves in the Office system, however, you can be using Booking Manager tab to actually add those requests in the system yourself. So, if a family does email you, you can come into your Office system. Sorry, I’m on a very small laptop screen. Okay, so under Booking Manager here, if we press on add single booking, it’s a request to space status. You can put the date range and then you can pop a note in there if you’d like and then hit save. So, that’s something you can do as an administrator, but families can’t do that. Very long answer, but I hope that answers all of the elements to that question.
Second question, the Playground, the programming and planning tab doesn’t appear on our Playground app dashboard currently. Is this a new feature? It’s not a new feature. It’s something we’ve actually had inbuilt into the system for two years. It is exclusive to iPads or Apple integrations. So, if you are not utilising an Apple device, if you’re on an Android device, unfortunately, programming and planning tab is not a feature that’s accessible to you. It is exclusive to iPad. The reason for that. I don’t know. My understanding is when the engineers were building it, they built it in the Apple forum, and it just wasn’t a cut and paste into Android. And since then, it hadn’t been a high priority for them to go through and work on because they were working on things like the feature uplift of Posts, et cetera, and trying to bring more features that everyone has access to. So, I guess the short answer is not a new feature is exclusive to Apple. If you are utilising an iPad and you’re not getting that tab, definitely phone our support team because there would be an issue. But if you’re on an Android or other device, it is the user experience. That is what is expected. Excellent.
Another question. How do families access the waitlist feature then? They don’t have access to the waitlist feature if you are utilising the Essentials package. So, part of the Essentials booking package is instant reoccurring and instant casual bookings, so they can instantly book what you have available. And you also have the ability to utilise the cancellation feature. Now, part of that package, we didn’t build in a waitlist feature for that. So, families don’t have access to a waitlist. Instead, it’s just live booking in what you have accessible. So, if they are wanting to go on a waitlist currently, it would be a request to yourselves to add into booking manager. Now, again, what that looks like in the future, I’m not 100 percent certain our product team are definitely having lots of conversations around how we can elevate the booking experience, and definitely those are part of the conversations. Just remembering Essentials came out this year and we’re on iteration two of, if we’re talking about a pie being, you know, eight slices, we’re on slice two currently. So, there’s a lot of things that we’re still wanting to build. There’s a lot of work happening in the background for these features, but it is very new currently. And with that, there’s no wait list option.
We are using iPad and iPhone, but still don’t have it. I would recommend calling the support team then. It will only be accessible on your iPad, not on your iPhones. The iPhone screens are too small, so we don’t give you access to programming and planning through the app. Because it, it, the features just won’t work properly. It’s too much of a condensed space. But if you are using iPads, definitely give the team a call. It might be that you haven’t turned the feature on through the app settings, or if you have turned it on through the app settings and you’re still not seeing it, there’s something not quite right and we’ll be able to help you figure out what that is.
Easy. Amazing. Any other questions at all? No. Excellent. Well, as always, we really love engaging with you. If you do have any questions that do pop up, please feel free to phone our incredible support team. They are amazing. They are there to help. They are available 8 am until 6 pm Australian Eastern, daylight savings time currently, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. And when we’re talking about public holidays, because our support team is based in Melbourne, they would be the Victoria public holidays. Outside of that, if you would like to rewatch or share this recording with anyone, we will have it live in our Vimeo, showcase folder, by close of business today, worst case scenario early tomorrow. You do also have historic access to every webinar that we’ve ever run in that folder as well. So, if there’s anything that you’d like to go back and review, or if there are other topics that we didn’t cover today, but probably covered in another webinar, feel free to go back and review that content as well.
Excellent. Thank you all so much for your time today. I really do appreciate it. And I look forward to seeing you at our next webinar. Thanks.
Australia’s most-improved childcare management software
Simplify and streamline admin with Office, our innovative, cloud-based childcare manager software—part of our comprehensive suite of childcare tools
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Provide families with flexible payment options