Introducing virtual activities at your ELC

Virtual education helping kids learn and stay connected.

IMPORTANT: Updated Information
Information impacting childcare is being updated on a frequent basis. You can track the latest information here- COVID-19 Childcare Updates.

The idea of translating the activities of a childcare centre to the online world might, initially, seem a strange one. Once children have learnt to use a computer, interact digitally and become aware of online safety, utilising the internet for educational purposes may be appropriate. 

As coronavirus continues to impact society, including childcare and education, the idea of providing some kind of online service for childcare-aged children becomes increasingly prescient. The convenience and expediency of virtual learning is surely something worth considering. As well as helping with social distancing and keeping a lid on the spread of the virus, virtual education – through free educational games, for example – can be an affordable, money-saving option for many parties concerned: parents, childcare centres and government agencies in particular. 

So what does virtual learning for young children actually involve? Here are 2 ways through which virtual learning for young children can be made a reality.

Videos and games

Children can participate in online learning games, watch educational videos, and even go on virtual field trips. The experience need not, therefore, be a passive one for the child, while parent and child can work together on activities and tasks.  Free educational games can, therefore, contribute to positive, immersive learning experiences for children without any cost.

There is also, of course, the possibility of interacting with other children through video chat platforms. Or it might be worth looking around for other sources of education and engagement: for example, Australian libraries are planning on delivering virtual storytelling sessions.

Creating your own networks

As the coronavirus pandemic continues and more and more children are being kept at home, childcare centres might opt to create their own virtual networks in order to keep children in touch with each other and continue them upon the path of learning.

Childcare centres might opt to create their own virtual networks in order to keep children in touch with each other.

For example, staff could live-stream activities (songs, dances, games) from the centre using a program such as Playground (‘Live Learning’ feature) There is also the option of distributing regular newsletters and photos to children at home – or perhaps now is a good time to introduce young children to the novelty that is snail mail.

So while virtual activities in Australia may not yet be mainstream, this need not stand in the way of keeping children connected to learning activities, and indeed the childcare community. 

Further information

  • Visit the COVID-19: Childcare Resources for latest news updates, understanding your responsibilities are to parents & children during the COVID-19 pandemic, when you should close your service, and how to get financial advice & assistance, and other key childcare-related information. 
  • Please visit the Department of Education, Skills and Employment Frequently Asked Questions for more information for providers and services and Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the latest education and training sector fact sheets.
  • The CCS Helpdesk is available to assist with information for services to help them manage the impacts on their business. Please email the CCS Helpdesk on, send in your query via an online form or call 1300 667 276 between 9.00 am — 5.00 pm (AEDST), Monday to Friday. 

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