Pilot Childcare has been working with Xplor Education since it first launched in 2015. Pilot has since grown from 3 services to 12 across regional New South Wales, supporting 960 children and 200 educators using Xplor’s technology.
Joined Xplor

Keeping up with the times
Pilot recognised that millennial parents communicate differently than other generations of parents – preferring to digest information on-the-go and in their own time.
Pilot were already running multiple platforms and were hesitant on taking on additional software. Improving external communications between parents and their services was a high priority for the team.
Xplor embraces all aspects of parent communication.
—Teagan, Brand Manager
Improved family engagement
Over the last 4 years, Xplor Education has enabled Pilot to increase parent interaction and communication within their services.
Real-time story feeds, chat, posts, mobile push notifications and SMS are just some of the features that have allowed Pilot to stay at the forefront of innovation and communicate with parents across their preferred channels.

Parents today are time poor. Xplor let’s them connect in their own time, resulting in higher quality engagements.
—Tony, Owner

More feedback and better satisfaction
Parent satisfaction increased across all services, with parent feedback highlighting that Xplor Education has allowed them to make the most of their busy work schedules allowing them to connect when they have small snippets of free time.
Xplor Education additionally allowed Pilot to transition to a completely paper-free digital environment, allowing their services to be at the forefront of technology in the childcare space and giving them a competitive advantage when showcasing their services to new parents.
From an administrative perspective, services now have one login to manage everything from communication to rostering, payments and CCS. It has simplified and automated a lot of manual tasks, allowing administrators to spend more time engaging with their staff and parents.