2024 Q4 Quarterly Wrap-up

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2024 Q4 Quarterly Wrap-up

​Join Tash from the Xplor Education training team as she takes you through all the updated features in our ECEC platforms, including:

  • Family Statement: Detailed View
  • Booking Manager: Daily Waitlist Management
  • Playground Post: Rich Text Editor
  • Comms Centre: Provider Comms

2024 Q4 Quarterly Wrap-up Video Transcript

Natasha:   Hello and welcome. My name is Tash, and I work as a training specialist here at Xplor Education and it is my honour to take you through our final Xplor Quarterly Wrap-up for 2024.

In Xplor over, this last quarter, we’ve had four major releases that I’m going to take you through just to refresh your memory on what it is that we’ve been sharing.

Our first big release is our Comms Centre, Provider Comms feature. How this works is within your system, if you have access as a super admin or provider, once you’re logged into Office, you just want to come to the top left under your provider name in the drop down. Make sure you select all services. And then from here, we want to select from our menu, Comms Centre, and then we will be taken to Provider Communications. This feature is incredible because it enables providers to be able to share the same information out to several services or all of their services under their provider umbrella. It means that you aren’t reliant on your service administrators to have to cut and paste comms that you’ve shared, or potentially have someone from head office or yourself going into each service to share the same communications out. So, this is cutting the middleman out and enabling you to be able to share information quite quickly with families. In here, under Provider Communications, just pressing on New, Post, and once in here, it works exactly the same as our standard service Post. So, you want to be entering in a title of up to 100 characters. You’ve got your body of text in here, so you’re able to cut and paste if you’ve already got communications prewritten. Alternately, you can cut and paste from a website, you can write from scratch, you can embed photos, you can embed URLs in here as well. You’ve got your rich text editor options available to you. Going through you can add a cover photo. You can switch to send this to email as well as, to the Home app, where families will be able to view under their inbox. Comments are automatically disabled at provider level. Comms are not, commenting is not turned on. There’s no way for you to go through and be tracking and be alerted, that communications have been sent back through. So I would definitely recommend if this is something you think will have a couple of questions, that you might put into the text here to have a chat to the service administrators or provide an email address in which they can email through any further communications that they require if they require clarity or they have further questions. You can add attachments in here as well. So, file limits are up to 10 megabytes, and they need to be situated in these formats here. You have a total of 10 that you can attach. So really great if you are doing things like a fee increase or if you’re doing work at the service and you need to disclose to families what that work is and maybe you have that on a PDF doc. You don’t need to cut and paste across. You can just attach that in here. Alternately, you might be attaching things like a holiday program, menu, if you want policies in review and you’d like families to contribute to that review. Or alternately, you just want to share policies out with families, so they have them. Really great way to attach them in here. But now with your contacts that you’re adding, so who’s receiving this, you just press on add contact in here. You’re only able to filter via the family themselves. And your additional filters via family is that you can filter the services, so this will list all of the services under your provider. You also have other filtering options in here, being care type, so primary carer or not primary carer. You’ve got tags, so if you’ve set up tags and your service administrators are issuing these onto the family accounts under finance parent accounts, then these tags here you can segment families based on that. Your other filtering options are families with no scheduled payment, so if you’re integrated with Xplor Pay at your service, and you’re wanting to promote that as an exclusive way for families to be paying their fees to you, this will filter to let you know any family that does not have a scheduled payment set up. And then you can send out an email just prompting them to sign up to this service. Once you’ve gone through and filtered, you can select which families, add selected, and you can see them listed here. Oops, so sorry. Okay. So really, really easy to create or format your Post. Once you’re ready, you’ll hit publish and that will go out to all of the parents and guardians that you have selected. Now if we hit publish here. We can see that that’s been shared out. It works the same as what your experience is under the service level in that you have a seen reader in here. So, you’ll be able to press on this. It’ll let you know who you sent it to. And once they’ve read it, it will change the status to read and have a date and time stamp on it. So really great way to be tracking who’s also reading it, seeing and engaging in the content that you’re sharing out from a provider level. You do have a filtering option because we are aware from a provider level you may be sharing this to quite a few contacts. So, you can segment your view as persons who have read this versus persons who have not read this also. So really great feature enhancement there for our providers and hopefully one that is going to help in 2025 to increase your communications and connections with your families through Office. Excellent!

Our next big feature that we had released in Office was our Booking Manager Daily Waitlist Management. So, in quarter 3, we had the Booking Manager released, and then in quarter 4, we had a few additional enhancements that were added. This one being the daily waitlist management, which is the add feature over here. What this means is service administrators, once having a conversation with a family, or if a family has emailed specifically wanting to go on the wait list for a particular day, service administrators are able to place that request into their Booking Manager system. And that means that they can come in on the day, or they can check in advance and see what they’ve got available, who they could take, who was first on the waitlist. It’s a really great way to be managing your waitlist internally. This is for casual booking, so currently, you’re not able to put reoccurring booking waitlist on here. But pressing add, single, request a space, the date, you can pop a note in there, select a room if you would like to, but it’s not a mandatory option, and then you can select the fee associated on there as well. Once you’re ready, as long as this child does not have a pre-existing booking, you’ll be able to press on plus. Select the child, add selected, and then hit save. And then that will save onto the system for the date that you’ve requested, which we can see here. So, we’ve got a request to space option. At any stage as a service administrator, you can come in here and edit. If you don’t actually have that space available, you can reject that booking request also. So, you’re able to add that into the system, which is going to help you long term be able to manage your booking requests for your families. Hopefully in the future, we will be able to release this into reoccurring bookings also. But for now, if you do come across into recurring bookings, you’ll see that you don’t have the request a space option in there. So, by inputting details in here, you would actually be creating a booking pattern. So, a really great feature enhancement for our Booking Manager feature. Again, if we’re talking about a pie, for Booking Manager with eight slices, this release would constitute slice two. So, we’re very early days with this feature, but we’re really, really excited about it. We’ve had some really brilliant feedback from our users. We hope to continue this enhancement through 2025 based on the feedback that you’re providing us. Excellent.

Our final feature release for Office through Q4, is our Family Statements Detailed View. So, coming into Financial, Parent Accounts, selecting on a particular account. So, let’s look at this one. We’re going to select on the icon under Actions for Statements. The detailed view is this option here. So, regularly, your service administrators were able to see the standard statement. This aligned with what the paper statement or the email statement that you’d be sharing with families, so the family statement is what they see. The standard statement is based on actual, so it lets you know the actual date that this applies to but doesn’t give administrators enough insight into any changes that might have happened on the back end that would drive your statement to change. So, for example, in the system, if you had deleted bookings, if CCS had changed, if the estimate had changed based on the entitlements changing, there was no way for your regular service administrators to see these. So, now in the system, under statement, we have the option of detailed. When we come into details, you can see an additional column has been added, which outlines actual date. Actual date is the occurrence in which this actually happened. And under date, this is the date that it’s linked to. So, where a lot of things are going to align, some won’t. And we can see an example here on the 29th of November. We had a daily fee added for Bruce for the 6th of December. So, we added it on the 29th. This booking is for the 6th. So, it’s a really great way to see an outline holistically of what’s actually happened on this account and be able to go back to a family if you’re needing to troubleshoot statement queries and give them solid feedback and information around what’s actually happened. So again, things like CCS changes and that being backdated CCS entitlements changing. It could be charges on the account. So, if you’ve put a financial adjustment on the account, but you’ve dated it in arrears, so we can see when you’ve actually put that on versus when you dated it on the statement. So really great way holistically to see what’s going on for a family’s account. So, in your detailed statements as well, under records in the drop down, by default we set this to 10, but you can view 25, 50 or 100 categories all at once. So, a really, really great way to be reviewing what’s going on, on, on the account in one space. Excellent. And that concludes all of our Office feature releases.

We did have one final feature release and that was our Rich Text Editor in Playground Posts. So, coming into Playground, selecting Posts and pressing on New. Our Rich Text Editor is this line across here. So, it just gives educators the ability to be a bit more creative and colourful and vibrant with what they’re sharing in their Posts with families. So, we have our standard bold, italicised, underline and strikethrough, which we always had in the system. But we now have the additions of being able to colour your font, highlight your font. You can resize your fonts as well. So, we’ve got that in there. You’ve got fonts that you can choose from. So rather than having the stock standard font that we had listed in the system, you can actually go through and customise this based on the fonts that we’ve provided in the Rich Text Editor. You’ve always had the ability to position your writing, but you can do that for each line now. You can bullet, number, and then you’ve got the emojis over here as well. So really great way to be adding some creativity into the system. You’ve also got your word counter on here. We know sometimes it’s really important that you understand how many words you’re sharing or how many characters you’re sharing, so we’ve popped those in the system as well. So let me just show you what that looks like for you. So, we can go through and customise each line on here, dependent on how we would like to see it. So, it could look a little something like that. Not the most colourful and creative, but it definitely gives your teams, empowerment and being able to really let a little bit of their creativity flow into Posts to share this to families a little bit is also amazing because when they’re reading them. They’re going to see a little bit of that personality from your educators coming through with that colour choice and that font choice. But it also aligns with our providers being able to set a standard for documentation. So as a provider, you could have an internal discussion around what font, what sizing, what colouring we’re using. This might align with our logos, so that everything is really uniformed and aligning from a provider perspective. So, families can come to expect a really high standard of documentation from you that aligns with what they’re used to in service or anything that you have shared from the service with them. So completely up to you with what you do. In the Post Rich Text Editor realm, but quite a few options available to you.

Excellent. And that concludes our feature releases for 2024. I would like to say a huge thank you to absolutely everyone who has provided us with feedback on anything that we’ve released or has put into our Canny over the years. You really drive all of our feature releases and anything that we’re working on in the future has really come from customer voice. So please continue that in 2025 if there’s any features that you would like to see, if there’s any enhancements that you think we can make in the system, share that with the team. Our product team is always looking for customer voice in this realm. Outside of that, this is the final webinar that we have for Xplor Education for 2024. So, thank you so much for attending, for giving feedback on the content, for driving our webinars and our connection with you live. We have loved it. We hope that you have enjoyed them as well, and we look forward to delivering more of the same in 2025 for you. Thanks so much, everyone. Bye.

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